Thursday 31 January 2019

Unit 4. Jobs and routines

Jobs and routines

Try to find three jobs in Zootopia.

We add S to the verb to make affirmative sentences with He, She or It.

Four new verbs to learn:





Is she a farmer?  No, she isn't.
Is she a vet?   Yes, she is.

Does she work with animal?   Yes, she does.

Does she drive a taxi? No, she doesn't

        She works with animals.
She helps animals.
        She doesn't work with people.
She doesn't drive a taxi.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Unit 3. Around the town




And.... Don't forget the prepositions.

And finally... We want to show you the town models we built in small groups.
Everyone did a great job! Congratulations!;D

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Unit 2. Describing people

Can you describe this girl?

She has got long hair 
                               = She's got long hair.

She's got straight dark hair.

She's got glasses.

She's got black eyes.   


Remember the NEGATIVE  form:            
She hasn't got curly hair     
She has not got curly hair.
She hasn't got fair hair...

  • Has she got curly hair? Yes, she has.
  • Has she got beard? No, she hasn't.

  • Has he got dark hair? Yes, he has.
  • Has he got moustache? No, he hasn't.

Now you practice! Describe these people:

J. k. Rowling, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawking,
William Wallace, Queen Elizabeth II, David Beckham, William Shakespeare and Emma Watson.