Tuesday 20 November 2018

Unit 2. Describing people

Can you describe this girl?

She has got long hair 
                               = She's got long hair.

She's got straight dark hair.

She's got glasses.

She's got black eyes.   


Remember the NEGATIVE  form:            
She hasn't got curly hair     
She has not got curly hair.
She hasn't got fair hair...

  • Has she got curly hair? Yes, she has.
  • Has she got beard? No, she hasn't.

  • Has he got dark hair? Yes, he has.
  • Has he got moustache? No, he hasn't.

Now you practice! Describe these people:

J. k. Rowling, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawking,
William Wallace, Queen Elizabeth II, David Beckham, William Shakespeare and Emma Watson.

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